Sat 22 Feb 2025
The Empowered Portrait

The Empowered Portrait


“Nanette captured me and my unshortened complicated and ‘brutiful’ self. She highlighted and prestigious my scars and reflected my innate eyeful when to me. I highly recommend this experience, expressly as a midlife woman finally wanting to be seen, heard, and known.” 

~ Pasha Marlowe, Therapeutic Comedy Coach

After photographing women for many years, I finger strongly well-nigh wanting to gloat wondrous women over the age of 50! I finger that we, as older women, need to be “Seen” for the wise, beautiful, interesting and creative women that we are! Women in our society often wilt less visible and less revered as we age. Let’s work together to uncork to turn that around!

With this project, I am hoping to photograph upward of 50 women over the age of 50, to shine the light on who they are, what makes them the woman they are today, what lights them on fire, and to show their eyeful and uniqueness! I am asking each woman who participates to sit in front of me and my camera with an unshut heart and unshut mind, and together we will create an Empowered Portrait. This project seems to have kindled a fire of interest in exploring, and expressing, the meaning of who we are as women in this stage of our lives. I am very happy and humbled with it’s success so far. If sitting for an Empowered Portrait speaks to you as a women over 50, and you’d like to join the women who have experienced this journey of exploration, please leave a scuttlebutt with your email write or email me at:

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

